Day 26: The domino effect of creativity

I’m thrilled about how artistic all my nieces are. Iana, 9, is a very talented illustrator (it’s one of her many talents). Ada, 3, has the makings of an actress (and model) with her emotive ways.

For this blog entry, I’d like to share how the project of my niece Erin moved her cousin Faith to create her own. Erin, 10, loves her Sylvanian Family characters and has used them to make animated movies. About two weeks ago, she asked my sister Pinky, a filmmaker, for tips on how to improve her self-learned craft. While the rest of us got an early start on dinner, she and her tita Pinky worked on a script. Here’s The Play Date, the result of that creative collaboration (Erin selected the musical score, wrote and directed it while Pinky pieced the film together using iMovie).

When Erin’s cousin, Faith, 8, watched The Play Date on the family computer in Auckland, she was inspired to make a film of her own. Here’s Faith’s Moshi monsters movie — notice how each movie is flavored with a different treatment and personality!

That’s what I love about the fruits of creativity — it can move others to tap into their own gifts to produce what only they can give to the world. Let there be art!

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